Sunday, October 28, 2012

Interesting book

Came across this interesting book Leading at The Edge: Leadership Lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition . Something that I plan to read.

The leadership lessons from this book seem very appropriate for many situations especially that of a startup. I quote the following from a review there

At the same time Endurance set off to conquer the south pole, the Karluk set off to conquer the North Pole. Both ships were stranded in ice. Both sets of explorers had to endure unbelievable hardship. But, Shackleton's group pulled together. It was a story of sacrifice, teamwork and loyalty. The Karluk explorers drifted into theft, deception, lying, and mutiny.

This book delves into the why. How did Shackleton do it? From this, they derive the following 10 leadership lessons.

1. Never lose sight of the ultimate goal, and focus energy on short-term objectives.

2. Set a personal example with visible, memorable symbols and behaviors.

3. Instill optimism and self-confidence, but stay grounded in reality.

4. Take care of yourself: Maintain your stamina and let go of guilt.

5. Reinforce the team message constantly: "We are one- we live or die together."

6. Minimize status differences and insist on courtesy and mutual respect.

7. Master conflict- deal with anger in small doses, engage dissidents, and avoid needless power struggles.

8. Find something to celebrate and something to laugh about.

9. Be willing to take big risks.

10. Never give up-there's always another move. 

It's an M2M world

In my earlier article i wrote about Internet of things. A more common name for this is machine-to-machine abbreviated as M2M.

So what is M2M?  Does this cover say the cell phones that we carry or does this imply devices that are not controlled directly by humans. Rather the devices such as electric meters or tracking equipment decide when to send data using the network. The recipients of the data might then alarm humans in some situations who might then want to control these devices.

Of course like the blind men and the elephant we have different people describing M2M differently. Therefore several definitions abound. Something to address in more detail some other time.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Internet of things

The Internet did change the world drastically. The Internet of things was supposed to change the world much more drastically than what the Internet did.  So what exactly does internet of things refers to? Internet of things refers to uniquely identifiable objects (things) and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure.

As Ashton who coined the phrase “Internet of things” remarked “If we had computers that knew everything there was to know about things—using data they gathered without any help from us—we would be able to track and count everything, and greatly reduce waste, loss and cost. We would know when things needed replacing, repairing or recalling, and whether they were fresh or past their best. The Internet of Things has the potential to change the world, just as the Internet did. Maybe even more so. ” What happened to this potential of changing the world?

I believe that communications is the missing piece of the puzzle. These uniquely identifiable objects will be much more useful if they are able to communicate. Being able to receive and send data to the gazillions of devices in an efficient fashion will make possible several services that will improve quality of human life and address economic inefficiencies.  This will also result in less wasteful usage of resources. 

Examples of some such services include efficient usage of resources that make up the smart grid by measuring and communicating various quantities such as temperature, current, voltage to the right places (utility offices), making human life better by measuring and communicating various quantities such as blood pressure, sugar levels, heart beat etc to the right places (physician’s offices), condition based maintenance of various machines like current transformers, capacitor bank controllers, etc etc.  The resulting operational efficiencies can result in tremendous savings for various organizations in many different sectors of human life.  In fact many more services than what we can imagine now will be made possible.

One might question as to why do we claim that communications is the missing piece of the puzzle here. To answer this, consider cellular communications. All humans were “uniquely” identifiable but then the spread of wireless communication made possible services that changed the quality of human life. Various services such as commerce, gps based directions, application stores (Appstore), micro-lending, planning for crop planting etc have become possible due to the rapid expansion of wireless communication.  Services that were not thought of before the wireless communication revolution are now commonplace.

Note that internet by itself did not make this possible since Internet did not have the aspect of personalized communication possible with cellular networks.  Cell phones are always on and are permanently carried by humans and they are personalized in the sense that typically there is a single human owner for each cell phone. Thus the cell phone seems to have provided the wireless communication link for the human carrying the cell phone.  These are the aspects of cell phones that revolutionized human life. And I believe that providing a communication link to such devices will help realize the potential associated with ‘Internet of things’.

Of course providing the communication link to the gazillions of devices seems like an easy problem to solve. All that we need to do is to enable these gazillions of devices to use the cell phone networks and we have made communication possible. Surely this should lead to the services I was referring to earlier. So then, why have we not seen this? 

The solution is not as simple.  There are several challenges all stemming from the fact that human communication is very different from device communication. We will get into details of several of these challenges in future articles. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Role of a CEO

A CEO's role is very important for any organization especially a startup. Recently, had a chance to read an article on problems that Elop is causing as the CEO of Nokia at this link

Probably I would put all these blunders in the following buckets
  1. he wanted to go after the US market (where Nokia has been weak) at the cost of the markets where Nokia was strong (Emerging markets). You got to keep your strengths while addressing your weaknesses; not try a burn your bridges strategy while fixing your weaknesses.
  2. In addition I guess he was trying to minimize the number of product lines he had. But he was trying to do this  by cutting the profitable products prematurely. 
  3.  And he destroyed the strong relationship that Nokia had with their existing customers (Carriers in this case).
  4. And finally give control of Nokia’s destiny to a partner (Microsoft) who are jerking them around. 

I am sure we can all relate to these. 

Am back after a long hiatus

Been quite busy with the same startup that I joined after I left Qualcomm. No time to blog. It's still crazily busy at work but I want to make a determined effort towards blogging.  So should have more articles going forward.